
Organic or Paid Search Marketing: Which is Better for Your Business?

Organic or Paid Search Marketing: Which is Better for Your Business?

When navigating the world of digital marketing, small to medium-sized business owners often grapple with deciding between organic and paid search strategies. Both avenues offer unique benefits and can be crucial in achieving your digital marketing goals. Here, we’ll explore each to help you make an informed decision suited to your business needs.

Understanding Organic Search Digital Marketing

Organic search marketing, also known as search engine optimization (SEO), is all about enhancing your website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) without paying for placement. It revolves around understanding Google’s algorithm, which can be complex and ever-changing.

The core advantage of organic search is cost-effectiveness. Without the need for direct payment for clicks, organic search can provide a solid return on investment over time. However, achieving a high ranking requires consistent effort in optimizing your website content, structure, and compliance with SEO best practices. Despite being cost-effective, it’s slow to yield results and highly dependent on the unpredictable nature of search engine algorithms​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (Romain Berg)​.

In-depth Understanding of SEO

SEO is a multifaceted digital marketing strategy that emphasizes optimizing various elements of your website to enhance its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This includes technical SEO, content SEO, and off-page SEO:

  1. Technical SEO involves improving the technical aspects of your website to help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively. This can include enhancing site speed, making your site mobile-friendly, implementing SSL security, and creating an XML sitemap.
  2. Content SEO focuses on creating and structuring content that answers the queries of your target audience. Using keyword research tools to find what potential customers are searching for and then creating detailed, informative, and engaging content around those keywords is crucial. Content should be updated regularly to stay relevant and authoritative.
  3. Off-page SEO is about improving the credibility and authority of your website through strategies like link building with reputable sites, social media marketing, and influencer collaborations. These efforts help to enhance the perception of your site as a trustworthy source of information.

Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Benefits

While organic search marketing is cost-effective since it doesn’t require payment for clicks, it demands significant upfront investment in terms of time and effort. The ROI of SEO is not immediate but can be substantial over time. For instance, once a page begins to rank highly, it can continue to attract traffic with minimal ongoing effort and cost. This makes SEO a sustainable strategy that can result in lower customer acquisition costs compared to paid search strategies.

Challenges of SEO

Despite its benefits, SEO is challenging due to the constantly evolving algorithms of search engines like Google. These changes can affect the visibility of your website unexpectedly. Staying updated with the latest SEO practices and algorithm updates is necessary to maintain or improve your rankings. Implementing a proactive SEO strategy that includes regular audits and adjustments can help mitigate the impacts of these changes.

The Importance of Analytics and Adaptation

Monitoring the performance of your SEO strategies through tools like Google Analytics is vital. This includes tracking metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and average session duration. These insights allow you to understand user behavior on your site and identify which SEO practices are effective and which need improvement.

The Power of Paid Search Digital Marketing

On the other hand, paid search marketing involves bidding on keywords to display ads in search engine results. This method, prominently featuring Google Ads, offers the immediate visibility that organic search typically cannot guarantee. Paid search allows for precise targeting based on a variety of demographic and behavioral factors, making it easier to reach your specific audience efficiently.

Paid search marketing, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, involves advertisers paying a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It’s a way of buying visits to your site, as opposed to earning those visits organically through SEO. Here’s a deeper look into the unique advantages of paid search:

  1. Immediate Exposure: Unlike organic search, which can take months to yield results, paid search ads can place you at the top of SERPs almost immediately. This visibility is particularly beneficial for new businesses or those in highly competitive markets.
  2. Advanced Targeting Options: Google Ads offers advanced targeting options including geographic location, language, and device type. Moreover, it allows for retargeting, which targets users who have previously visited your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion by showing them relevant ads as they browse other parts of the internet.
  3. Budget Control: With paid search, you have complete control over your advertising budget. You can set a maximum cost per day for your campaign, which makes it easy to manage your marketing expenses without overspending. The platform also allows for adjustments at any time, which is ideal for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations.

Optimization and Measurement

Paid search marketing provides measurable results and can be adjusted in real-time based on performance data. This flexibility allows advertisers to optimize their spending and strategy quickly based on what’s working. Furthermore, paid search can be an excellent tool for testing different marketing strategies or promotions, as results are immediate and data-driven​ (WordStream)​​ (SocialMediaManager)​.

Here’s how businesses can optimize their paid search strategies:

  1. Real-Time Adjustments: Google Ads provides real-time data on how your ads are performing. This means you can quickly see what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to promptly adjust your campaigns for better performance. For example, you can change ad copy, modify bid strategies, and adjust your budget based on the campaign’s performance.
  2. A/B Testing: Paid search marketing thrives on continuous testing. Businesses can run different versions of their ads to see which performs better. This can include testing different headlines, ad copy, or calls to action. A/B testing helps in refining your messaging and improving the overall effectiveness of your ads.
  3. Conversion Tracking: Implementing conversion tracking with tools like Google Analytics allows you to see exactly what happens after a customer clicks on your ads—whether they purchased a product, signed up for a newsletter, or filled out a contact form. This information is crucial for calculating your return on investment (ROI) and making data-driven decisions.

Strategic Use Cases

Paid search can be especially effective for specific marketing goals. For instance:

  • Launching New Products: When introducing a new product or service, you can use paid search to generate buzz and drive immediate traffic to your landing pages.
  • Local Visibility: For local businesses, paid search can drive local traffic by targeting ads based on specific regions or cities.
  • Event Promotions: Paid ads can be timed to increase visibility around specific events or promotions, helping to boost engagement during critical periods.
Digital Marketing: Organic vs Paid Search Marketing

Integrating Both for Maximum Impact

For most businesses, relying solely on one type of search marketing is not advisable. Integrating both organic and paid search strategies offers a balanced approach, harnessing the enduring value of organic reach and the precision of paid advertisements.

  1. Synergy and Visibility: While organic efforts continue to build and sustain your brand’s presence in search results over time, paid search can supplement these efforts by targeting specific opportunities and covering gaps in organic reach during crucial campaign periods.
  2. Cost Management and ROI: Combining both methods helps balance financial investment and potential returns. While paid search incurs upfront costs, it also drives immediate traffic and leads. Organic search requires upfront effort and time but pays dividends in sustained traffic without the ongoing cost per click​ (WordStream)​​ (HubSpot Blog)​.
  3. Data and Insights: Using both strategies provides a wealth of data that can enhance decision-making. Insights gained from paid search can inform SEO strategies, while organic performance metrics can help refine paid ad targeting and content​ (LocaliQ)​​ (Romain Berg)​.

Best Practices and Considerations

To effectively implement these strategies, consider the following:

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Keeping abreast of the latest Google updates, algorithm changes, and best practices in both SEO and Google Ads is crucial​ (LocaliQ)​.
  • Use of Tools and Analytics: Leverage tools like Google Analytics to track performance and make informed decisions. Regular A/B testing can help optimize both organic content and paid ads for better performance​ (Romain Berg)​.
  • Professional Guidance: Especially for those new to digital marketing, or those looking to refine their approach, consulting with digital marketing professionals can provide tailored advice and strategy planning suited to your specific business needs and goals​ (HubSpot Blog)​.

In conclusion, both organic and paid search digital marketing have important roles to play in your business’s online strategy. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each, you can better allocate your marketing budget and efforts to drive the best possible outcomes for your business.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads.

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Maximizing Social Media Impact: Mastering Advanced Advertising Strategies

Maximizing Social Media Impact: Mastering Advanced Advertising Strategies


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, Facebook stands out as a powerhouse for advertisers. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers unparalleled access to diverse audiences. This blog post delves into how businesses can harness Facebook’s advertising capabilities to enhance lead generation and maximize Return-On-Ad-Spend (ROAS).

Understanding Facebook’s Advertising Platform

Facebook’s advertising platform is a trove of features tailored for various marketing objectives. Key to leveraging this platform is an understanding of its targeting capabilities, which allow advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. The platform’s flexibility makes it an ideal tool for businesses aiming to generate leads or improve their ROAS.

Step 1 – Setting Clear Objectives

Effective Facebook advertising starts with clear, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Distinguish between generating immediate leads and building long-term brand awareness. Your campaign’s objectives should guide every decision, from budget allocation to content creation.

Step 2 – Target Audience and Segmentation

Mastering audience targeting and segmentation is central to the success of Facebook advertising campaigns. The ability to identify and understand your target audience not only enhances campaign relevance but also significantly improves lead generation and ROAS. Facebook’s platform excels in offering comprehensive tools for detailed audience segmentation.

1. Geographic Segmentation: This involves targeting audiences based on their location, which can be as broad as a country or as specific as a zip code. Geographic targeting is essential for local businesses or global campaigns where messaging needs to be tailored to cultural or regional preferences.

2. Demographic Segmentation: Demographic targeting includes age, gender, education, occupation, and more. This level of detail allows advertisers to reach specific age groups or professionals, making the ads more relevant to the viewer’s life stage or career.

3. Psychographic Segmentation: Beyond basic demographics, Facebook allows for targeting based on interests, activities, and lifestyle. This includes users’ hobbies, entertainment preferences, and shopping behaviors. Psychographic segmentation is particularly powerful as it connects with users based on their passions and interests, leading to more engaging and effective advertising.

4. Behavior-Based Targeting: Facebook’s behavioral targeting options are based on users’ online activities, including their previous interactions with ads, websites, and apps. This data is invaluable for reaching users who have shown a specific pattern of behavior, such as frequent online shopping or interest in travel.

5. Utilizing Audience Insights: Facebook’s Audience Insights tool offers in-depth information about your audience, including their likes, dislikes, and content they engage with on Facebook. This tool is essential for understanding the nuances of your audience’s preferences and tailoring your messaging accordingly.

6. Custom Audiences and Retargeting: One of Facebook’s most powerful tools is the ability to create Custom Audiences from your existing customer lists, website visitors, or app users. This enables you to retarget individuals who have already shown interest in your products or services, dramatically increasing the likelihood of conversion.

7. Lookalike Audiences: Once you have a Custom Audience that performs well, Facebook can help you reach new people who have similar characteristics with its Lookalike Audiences feature. This expands your reach to potential customers who are likely to be interested in your offering but haven’t yet interacted with your brand.

8. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Audience preferences and behaviors can evolve. Regularly updating your audience segments and revisiting your Audience Insights ensures that your campaigns remain relevant and effective.

Successful Facebook advertising hinges on the strategic segmentation of your audience. By utilizing Facebook’s extensive targeting options and continuously adapting to audience insights, advertisers can create more personalized, effective campaigns. These tailored campaigns not only resonate better with the intended audience but also drive higher engagement, leading to improved lead generation and ROAS.

Step 3 – Creating Compelling Ad Content

The effectiveness of a Facebook advertising campaign largely hinges on the quality and appeal of its content. Compelling ad content captures attention, engages the audience, and encourages them to take action. Here are key aspects to consider when creating content that resonates with your audience:

1. High-Quality Visuals: In a visually-driven platform like Facebook, the importance of high-quality images and videos cannot be overstated. Use crisp, clear, and professionally rendered visuals that stand out in the news feed. Ensure that your imagery is aligned with your brand identity and messaging. For products, consider using high-resolution images that showcase the item in use, highlighting its features and benefits.

2. Engaging Video Content: Videos have a proven track record of high engagement on Facebook. Create videos that are short, engaging, and convey your message effectively within the first few seconds. Use captions for viewers who watch without sound. Consider different video formats, such as explainer videos, product demos, or customer testimonials, depending on your campaign goals.

3. Persuasive Copywriting: The text of your ad, from the headline to the body, plays a crucial role. It should be clear, concise, and compelling. Use action-oriented language and strong calls-to-action (CTAs) to prompt the audience to engage with your ad. Highlight the value proposition and what sets your product or service apart.

4. A/B Testing for Optimization: A/B testing, or split testing, is critical in determining what content elements perform best. Test different variations of your ad — such as images, headlines, ad copy, or CTA buttons — to see which combination yields the best results. This data-driven approach can significantly improve your ad’s effectiveness.

5. Storytelling and Emotional Appeals: Stories have the power to connect with people on an emotional level. Use storytelling in your ads to create a narrative around your brand or product. Emotional appeals, when used authentically, can make your ad more relatable and memorable. This could be achieved through customer stories, relatable scenarios, or even humor, depending on your brand voice.

6. Relevance and Personalization: Tailor your content to the interests and needs of your target audience. Personalized ads that resonate with the specific concerns, desires, or pain points of your audience are more likely to engage and convert. Use the data you have about your audience to create more relevant and targeted messaging.

7. Consistency Across Campaigns: Ensure consistency in your messaging, visuals, and overall brand aesthetic across all ads. This helps in building brand recognition and trust. Your audience should be able to immediately recognize your brand, regardless of the ad format or placement.

8. Compliance with Facebook’s Guidelines: Lastly, ensure that your ad content complies with Facebook’s advertising policies. Non-compliance can lead to your ads being rejected or your account being penalized. Stay updated with Facebook’s guidelines, especially regarding prohibited content, image text ratios, and user data usage.

Creating compelling ad content for Facebook involves a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and continuous optimization. By focusing on high-quality visuals, engaging videos, persuasive copy, and emotional storytelling, you can craft ads that not only capture attention but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions.

Step 4 – Optimizing Landing Pages

A landing page is where your leads are cultivated. It should be visually appealing, aligned with your ad’s message, and easy to navigate. A strong call-to-action (CTA) is vital. Ensure consistency between your ads and landing pages to avoid confusing potential customers.

Step 5 – Leveraging Facebook’s Ad Formats for Maximum Impact

Facebook’s diverse ad formats offer unique ways to present content, each suited to different marketing objectives and audience engagements. Understanding and utilizing these formats effectively can significantly enhance the impact of your advertising campaigns.

1. Carousel Ads: Carousel ads allow advertisers to showcase up to ten images or videos within a single ad, each with its own link. This format is ideal for businesses wanting to highlight multiple products, showcase different features of a single product, or tell a story that unfolds across each carousel card. It’s particularly effective for e-commerce businesses, as it can visually display a range of products, leading to increased customer engagement and conversions.

2. Video Ads: Video ads are among the most engaging content types on Facebook. They can be used in the news feed, Stories, or as in-stream ads in longer Facebook videos. Video ads are excellent for storytelling, demonstrating a product in action, or creating emotionally resonant content. They can range from short, attention-grabbing clips to longer, more immersive experiences. Utilizing high-quality production and considering sound-off viewing (using captions or on-screen text) can make these ads more effective.

3. Canvas (Instant Experience) Ads: Canvas ads, now known as Instant Experience ads, are full-screen ad experiences that load instantly when someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. They can include images, videos, carousels, and even call-to-action buttons. This format is designed to create a more immersive and interactive experience, ideal for storytelling, showcasing detailed product features, or creating a mini-landing page within Facebook.

4. Collection Ads: Collection ads allow users to browse and purchase products directly from the ad. When clicked, these ads open a full-screen Instant Experience that’s customizable and can include various types of content. This format is perfect for retail brands, as it simplifies the shopping experience and can effectively drive online sales.

5. Lead Generation Ads: These ads are designed to make it easy for potential customers to express interest in your product or service. Lead ads include pre-populated forms with the user’s Facebook contact information, making it simple for them to sign up for more information, request a quote, or subscribe to a newsletter, directly within Facebook.

6. Dynamic Ads: Dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app, or elsewhere on the Internet. They use your Facebook pixel or SDK data to show ads to users who have viewed a product or added it to their cart on your website. This format is excellent for retargeting and can lead to higher conversion rates.

7. Stories Ads: These are full-screen vertical ads that appear between Stories on Facebook and Instagram. Stories ads are highly engaging due to their immersive format and are ideal for creating a more personal and direct connection with your audience. They work well for limited-time offers, behind-the-scenes content, or quick product demos.

By understanding and leveraging the right Facebook ad formats, advertisers can tailor their campaigns to suit their specific marketing goals, audience preferences, and content styles. Each format offers unique benefits, from storytelling and product showcasing to lead generation and immersive experiences. Choosing the right ad format is crucial in maximizing engagement, driving conversions, and achieving a high return on ad spend.

Step 6 – Budgeting and Bidding Strategies

Setting a realistic budget is key to campaign success. Facebook offers different bidding strategies, like cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM), which can impact your campaign’s performance. Focus on strategies that align with your campaign objectives and optimize for maximum ROAS.

Step 7 – Tracking and Measuring Performance

The Facebook Pixel is an invaluable tool for tracking user interaction with your ads and website. Key performance metrics include click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per lead. Regularly reviewing these metrics can provide insights to refine your campaigns.

Advanced Strategies

Retargeting can dramatically increase lead generation by targeting users who have previously interacted with your brand. Lookalike audiences can also be effective, allowing you to reach new users who share characteristics with your existing customers. Dynamic ads offer personalized content to users based on their interests and past behavior.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common pitfalls in Facebook advertising include neglecting A/B testing, targeting too broadly, and overlooking ad content quality. Avoid these mistakes by consistently testing, refining your targeting, and focusing on high-quality, relevant content.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Consider the success story of a Freeflo Plumbing that leveraged Facebook ads to showcase its business. By targeting a specific demographic and using compelling visuals, the brand saw a 23% increase in leads.


Facebook advertising offers a powerful platform for businesses aiming to boost lead generation and improve ROAS. By setting clear objectives, understanding your audience, creating compelling content, and continuously measuring performance, you can harness the full potential of Facebook ads. Remember, the key to success lies in testing, adapting, and staying abreast of the platform’s evolving features.

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Enhancing Your Google Ads Strategy: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Enhancing Your Google Ads Strategy: A Guide for Small Business Owners

Introduction – Google Ads Strategy

In the ever-evolving digital world, small business owners are constantly looking for effective ways to reach their target audience. Google Ads offers a powerful platform to connect with potential customers, but it can be challenging to target the right audience effectively. The key to success lies in understanding and leveraging the tools and strategies available within Google Ads (or Adwords marketing). This blog post will explore practical steps to enhance your Google Ads strategy, ensuring your efforts hit the bullseye every time. 🎯✨

Step 1: Utilize Google’s Keyword Planner

The foundation of any successful Google Ads campaign is understanding what your potential customers are searching for. This is where Google’s Keyword Planner comes into play. It’s a robust tool that helps you discover relevant keywords that resonate with your target audience.

Why Keywords Matter

In the realm of Google Ads, keywords are the linchpin that connect your target audience’s searches to the solutions you provide. They are not just words; they are insights into the needs, desires, and behaviors of potential customers. By aligning your ads with the right keywords, you significantly increase the chances of reaching people who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

Understanding Different Types of Keywords

  1. Broad Keywords: These are general terms that cover a wide range of topics. For instance, “shoes” is a broad keyword. While they have high search volumes, they are often highly competitive and less likely to convert, as they may not precisely match the user’s intent.
  2. Specific Keywords: These are more detailed and often directly related to your product or service. For example, “running shoes for women” is more specific and likely to attract a more targeted audience.
  3. Long-Tail Keywords: This category is where the real magic happens in targeted advertising. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive but highly targeted. For instance, “women’s waterproof trail running shoes” is a long-tail keyword. While they attract lower search volumes, the traffic they do attract is often more qualified and more likely to convert into sales. This is because long-tail keywords align closely with the user’s specific intent.

The Power of Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are especially crucial for small businesses. They allow you to compete effectively without the need for a large budget, which is often required for broader, more competitive keywords. Users searching with long-tail keywords are typically further along in the buying cycle, meaning they are more likely to make a purchase. They know what they want, and if your product or service matches their specific search query, you’ve got a better chance of converting that search into a sale.

The right mix of broad, specific, and long-tail keywords can create a robust foundation for your Google Ads campaigns. It’s about finding the balance between reaching a broad audience and targeting those who are most likely to engage with your brand. By understanding and strategically using different types of keywords, you can effectively bridge the gap between your content and the needs of your target audience, leading to more successful ad campaigns.

How to Use Keyword Planner

  1. Access the tool through your Google Ads account.
  2. Enter a keyword related to your business and get suggestions for related keywords.
  3. Analyze the search volume and competition for these keywords.
  4. Select the ones that are most relevant to your target audience.


Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool


Remember, the goal is to find keywords that are not only relevant but also have a reasonable balance between search volume and competition. 🗝️

Step 2: Create Buyer Personas

Understanding who your ideal customer is can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your Google Ads PPC strategy. Creating buyer personas involves sketching out a clear picture of your target audience.

The Importance of Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are more than just fictional representations of your ideal customers; they are a vital tool in crafting targeted and effective marketing strategies. These detailed profiles embody the characteristics, behaviors, and motivations of different segments of your audience, offering deep insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Crafting a Comprehensive Buyer Persona

  1. Demographic Information: Start with basic demographic details like age, gender, occupation, and location. This information sets the stage for a more nuanced understanding of your target audience.
  2. Psychographic Elements: Delve into their lifestyles, values, hobbies, and interests. Knowing what motivates your customers, what they value, and how they spend their free time can significantly influence the tone and content of your ads.
  3. Pain Points and Challenges: Identify the specific problems or challenges that your product or service can solve for them. Understanding these pain points allows you to tailor your messaging to address these issues directly, making your ads more relevant and compelling.
  4. Buying Motivations and Objections: Explore what drives their purchasing decisions and what factors might deter them. This understanding helps in crafting a persuasive message that not only highlights the benefits of your product or service but also addresses any potential objections upfront.

The Role of Buyer Personas in Ad Creation

Creating ads without a clear understanding of who you are targeting is like shooting arrows in the dark. Buyer personas bring light to this process, enabling you to create ads that resonate deeply with your audience. When you know who you’re talking to, you can:

  • Use language and imagery that reflects their preferences.
  • Highlight benefits and features that matter most to them.
  • Place ads on platforms where they are most likely to engage.

For example, an ad for luxury skincare products targeting affluent women in their 30s would look and sound different from an ad for affordable tech gadgets targeting college students. The former might focus on premium ingredients and anti-aging benefits, while the latter might emphasize cost-effectiveness and functionality.

Well-defined buyer personas allow for the creation of more personalized, relevant, and effective ad campaigns. They ensure that your marketing efforts are aligned with the specific needs and desires of your target audience, thereby increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. By investing time in developing detailed buyer personas, you set the stage for more impactful and successful advertising.

How to Develop Buyer Personas

  1. Think about the demographics of your ideal customer, such as age, gender, and location.
  2. Consider their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.
  3. Identify the challenges they face and how your product or service can solve them.

By having a well-defined buyer persona, you can tailor your ads to speak directly to the needs and interests of your target audience. 🧑‍💼👩‍💼

Step 3: Test and Learn

The final step in refining your Google Ads marketing strategy is to adopt a ‘test and learn’ approach. This involves running small campaigns targeting different audience segments and analyzing the results.

The Power of A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is an essential method for optimizing Google Ads campaigns. It involves creating two versions of an ad (A and B) and testing them against each other to determine which one performs better based on specific metrics. This empirical approach to ad optimization helps in making data-driven decisions, leading to more effective and efficient ad campaigns.

Key Elements of A/B Testing

  1. Variations in Ad Elements: A/B testing can be applied to various elements of an ad, such as the headline, description, images, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and even the landing page it directs to. By changing one element at a time, you can identify which variation resonates more with your audience.
  2. Performance Metrics: The performance of each ad version is evaluated based on metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, or return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics provide concrete evidence about which version is more effective in engaging and converting your target audience.
  3. Audience Segmentation: Sometimes, the effectiveness of an ad variation can depend on the specific audience segment it is targeting. A/B testing allows you to refine your targeting strategy by showing which ad variation works best for different segments of your audience.

Advantages of A/B Testing

  • Eliminates Guesswork: A/B testing provides concrete data that removes speculation from ad optimization. Decisions are made based on actual user responses, not assumptions.
  • Improves Conversion Rates: By continually testing and optimizing ads, you can enhance their effectiveness, leading to higher conversion rates and better use of your advertising budget.
  • Enhances User Experience: Testing different elements of your ads can reveal what your audience prefers, allowing you to tailor your ads to provide a better user experience.

Best Practices for A/B Testing

  1. Test One Variable at a Time: To accurately determine which element impacts performance, change only one variable while keeping all other factors constant.
  2. Ensure Statistical Significance: Run the test for a sufficient duration and ensure your sample size is large enough to provide reliable results.
  3. Learn and Iterate: Use the insights gained from each test to make informed adjustments, and continue to test and refine your ads.

A/B testing is not just a technique but a mindset of continual improvement. It’s about being open to learning what works best for your audience and adapting your strategies accordingly. By embracing A/B testing, you can incrementally improve the performance of your Google Ads, leading to more successful campaigns and a better return on investment.

How to Conduct Effective Testing

  1. Set a clear objective for each test (e.g., increase click-through rate).
  2. Run two versions of your ad simultaneously, changing only one variable.
  3. Analyze the performance data to see which version achieved your objective more effectively.

Remember, the goal of testing is continuous improvement. Each test provides valuable insights that can be used to refine your approach and improve the performance of your ads. 🧪📊


Mastering Google Ads is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. By using Google’s Keyword Planner, creating detailed buyer personas, and embracing a test-and-learn approach, small business owners can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their ads. Remember, the key to success in digital advertising is to remain agile, always be willing to learn, and adapt your strategy to the ever-changing digital landscape. With these steps, you’re well on your way to making your Google Ads campaigns more targeted, relevant, and successful. Happy advertising! 🎯✨

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Facebook Ads vs. Boosted Posts: Unraveling the Lead Generation Powerhouse

Facebook Ads vs. Boosted Posts: Unraveling the Lead Generation Powerhouse

Social media platforms have become a crucial arena for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. Among these platforms, Facebook stands tall, offering a variety of advertising options to help businesses maximize their online presence. As of January 2023, Facebook is the most popular social media platform worldwide with 2,958 million users.  Two popular lead generation choices on Facebook are Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts.

Facebook Ads

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key differences between Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts, focusing on their effectiveness in generating leads. By understanding the nuances of these advertising tools, businesses can make informed decisions to optimize their lead generation strategies.

Understanding Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is an advertising platform provided by Facebook, the world’s largest social media network. It enables businesses and advertisers to create and manage paid advertising campaigns on Facebook and its associated platforms, such as Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger.

Targeting options

The purpose of detailed targeting options in Facebook Ads is to help advertisers reach specific and relevant audiences based on various criteria. By using these options, advertisers can finely tune their ad campaigns, ensuring their messages are seen by the most relevant users, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.

Facebook Ads Targeting Options

How to use detailed targeting options in Facebook Ads:

  1. Selecting the Audience: When creating a new ad campaign in Facebook Ads Manager, you’ll come across the “Audience” section. Here, you can either create a new audience or choose from saved ones.
  2. Location and Demographics: Start by setting the basic criteria such as location, age, gender, language, and other demographic details. This helps narrow down your audience based on where they are and who they are.
  3. Interests: Under the “Detailed Targeting” section, you can add specific interests, hobbies, pages liked, and activities relevant to your target audience. This allows you to target people who have expressed interest in related topics.
  4. Behaviors: Facebook offers behavioral targeting, allowing you to reach users based on their online activities, purchase behaviors, and device usage patterns.
  5. Connections: You can also target or exclude people connected to your Facebook Page, app, or events. For instance, you can show your ads to friends of people who have already liked your Page.
  6. Custom Audiences: Using this feature, you can target people who are already in your business’s database, such as existing customers or newsletter subscribers, by uploading their contact information to Facebook. Facebook Ads Audience Manager
  7. Lookalike Audiences: Facebook enables you to create lookalike audiences based on your existing custom audiences. It identifies users with similar characteristics to your current customers, allowing you to expand your reach to potential new leads.
  8. Narrowing or Broadening the Audience: As you add targeting options, Facebook will show the estimated audience size. You can adjust the settings to narrow down or broaden your audience until you find the right balance.
  9. Saving and Reusing Audiences: Once you’ve defined your target audience, you can save it for future use. This is beneficial for recurring campaigns or when you have multiple segments you want to target.
  10. Testing and Optimization: It’s essential to test different targeting options to see which ones perform best for your objectives. Regularly review and optimize your audience settings to improve ad performance.

In summary, detailed targeting options in Facebook Ads allow advertisers to precisely define their target audience based on location, demographics, interests, behaviors, connections, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences. By utilizing these options effectively, advertisers can increase the relevance of their ads, boost engagement, and drive better results for their lead generation and marketing efforts.

Facebook Ad formats

Here are the different ad formats in Facebook Ads:

Facebook Carousel Ad Example
Boosted Post Single Ad Example
Facebook Ads Video Ad Example
  1. Carousel Ads:
    • What Are They: Carousel ads are interactive ad formats that allow advertisers to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad unit. Users can swipe or click through the carousel to view different content pieces.
    • Use Cases: Carousel ads are versatile and can be used for various purposes, including product showcases, storytelling, step-by-step guides, and highlighting multiple features or benefits of a product or service.
    • Benefits: Carousel ads can capture the audience’s attention with engaging visuals and can convey a more comprehensive message than a single image or video. They are excellent for driving traffic to specific website pages or promoting a range of products.
  2. Single Image Ads:
    • What Are They: Single image ads are the most straightforward ad format in Facebook Ads. They consist of a single static image along with ad copy and a call-to-action button.
    • Use Cases: Single image ads work well for businesses with a clear, concise message or a visually striking product or service that can be showcased in a single image. They’re suitable for various campaign objectives, from brand awareness to lead generation.
    • Benefits: These ads are quick to create, load fast, and can be effective when designed with compelling visuals and persuasive ad copy. They are a cost-effective choice for many businesses.
  3. Video Ads:
    • What Are They: Video ads are dynamic ad formats that feature a video as the primary content. They can be in-feed videos or in-stream videos (playing before, during, or after other video content).
    • Use Cases: Video ads are highly engaging and are excellent for storytelling, demonstrating products in action, sharing customer testimonials, and building brand awareness. They can also be used for lead generation by directing viewers to a landing page.
    • Benefits: Video ads have the potential to capture the audience’s attention and convey complex messages effectively. They often have higher engagement rates and can be optimized for various campaign objectives, including views, clicks, or conversions.
  4. Collection Ads:
    • What Are They: Collection ads are a unique ad format designed primarily for mobile devices. They combine a cover image or video with a collection of product images below it. When users tap the ad, they are taken to an immersive, fast-loading, and full-screen shopping experience.
    • Use Cases: Collection ads are ideal for e-commerce businesses looking to showcase a range of products in a visually appealing format. They’re great for driving traffic to product catalog pages and encouraging immediate purchases.
    • Benefits: Collection ads offer a seamless shopping experience within the Facebook platform, reducing friction for users to explore and purchase products. They can lead to higher conversion rates for e-commerce businesses.

Choosing the right ad format depends on your campaign objectives, target audience, and the story you want to convey. Facebook offers these various ad formats to provide flexibility and creativity in your advertising strategy, allowing you to select the one that best aligns with your goals and content.

Facebook Ads Placement options

  1. Facebook news feed
    • Explanation: The Facebook News Feed is one of the most prominent and commonly used ad placements on the platform. It’s the constantly updating stream of stories in the middle of the Facebook homepage where users see posts from their friends, pages they follow, and sponsored content.
    • Use Cases: Facebook News Feed ads are versatile and can be used for a wide range of campaign objectives, including brand awareness, website traffic, lead generation, conversions, and more. They allow advertisers to reach a broad and engaged audience.
    • Benefits: News Feed ads blend seamlessly with organic content, making them less disruptive for users. They offer a variety of ad formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more, allowing advertisers to choose the most suitable format for their goals.
  2. Instagram
    • Explanation: Instagram is a popular social media platform owned by Facebook. Advertisers can place ads on Instagram to reach its user base. Instagram ads can appear in users’ feeds, stories, and the Explore tab.
    • Use Cases: Instagram is known for its visual appeal, making it a great platform for businesses with visually striking products or services. It’s effective for brand awareness, product promotion, and driving engagement.
    • Benefits: Instagram offers a highly visual and immersive ad experience. It has a younger and engaged user demographic, making it a valuable platform for businesses targeting millennials and Gen Z. Advertisers can use various ad formats like image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads to capture users’ attention.
  3. Audience Network
    • Explanation: The Audience Network is a collection of mobile apps and websites outside of Facebook that have partnered with Facebook to display ads. When advertisers choose to place their ads in the Audience Network, they can reach users while they are using other apps or browsing the web on mobile devices.
    • Use Cases: The Audience Network is suitable for advertisers looking to extend their reach beyond the Facebook platform. It’s especially useful for driving app installs, generating leads, and increasing website traffic.
    • Benefits: The Audience Network provides advertisers with access to a vast network of apps and websites, allowing them to reach users across different contexts. It can be cost-effective, and it offers various ad formats, including native ads, banner ads, interstitials, and rewarded videos.

Each of these placements in Facebook Ads offers unique advantages and can be tailored to specific campaign objectives and target audiences. The choice of placement should align with your advertising goals and the nature of your content or products. Effective ad placement is crucial for maximizing the performance and ROI of your Facebook advertising campaigns.

Optimization and bidding strategies

  1. Cost per Click (CPC):
    • Explanation: Cost per Click (CPC) is a common pricing model in online advertising, including Facebook Ads. It represents the amount an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on their ad. Advertisers set a maximum bid for each click, and the actual CPC may be lower than the bid, depending on competition and ad quality.
    • Use Cases: CPC is often used for campaigns with specific goals, such as driving traffic to a website, generating leads, or encouraging app installations. Advertisers are charged only when users take the desired action of clicking the ad.
    • Benefits: CPC provides a straightforward way to measure the cost-effectiveness of your ad campaigns. It allows advertisers to control their spending by setting a budget and bid amount, ensuring they pay for actual user engagement.
  2. Cost per Mille (CPM):
    • Explanation: Cost per Mille (CPM) is another pricing model in online advertising. It represents the cost advertisers pay for every 1,000 ad impressions or views, regardless of whether users interact with the ad. CPM is commonly used for brand awareness and reach campaigns.
    • Use Cases: CPM is ideal for campaigns focused on building brand recognition and increasing the visibility of ads to a broad audience. Advertisers are charged based on the number of times their ad is displayed, not on user interactions.
    • Benefits: CPM can be cost-effective for campaigns aiming to maximize exposure. It’s suitable for businesses that want to create awareness but don’t necessarily require immediate user actions. Advertisers can reach a large audience without worrying about click-through rates.
  3. Conversion Optimization:
    • Explanation: Conversion optimization is a campaign objective and optimization method in Facebook Ads that focuses on driving specific actions, or conversions, from users. These actions can include website purchases, lead form submissions, app installs, and more. Facebook’s algorithm works to show ads to users most likely to complete the desired action.
    • Use Cases: Conversion optimization is ideal when the primary goal is to encourage users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. It’s effective for maximizing the return on ad spend (ROAS) and increasing the efficiency of ad campaigns.
    • Benefits: Conversion optimization leverages Facebook’s machine learning algorithms to target users who are more likely to convert, resulting in improved ad performance. It also allows for more precise tracking and measurement of conversion events, helping advertisers understand the impact of their campaigns.

In summary, these terms in Facebook Ads represent different aspects of advertising strategy:

  • CPC focuses on the cost of user engagement, with advertisers paying for each click on their ad.
  • CPM deals with the cost of ad impressions, where advertisers pay for every 1,000 times their ad is displayed.
  • Conversion optimization is a campaign objective that aims to drive specific user actions, leveraging Facebook’s algorithms to target the right audience for these actions.

Unpacking Boosted Posts

Boosted Posts on Facebook are a form of paid advertising that allows you to promote your existing organic (unpaid) Facebook posts to a larger and more targeted audience. Essentially, when you boost a post, you allocate a budget to have it shown to a wider group of Facebook users beyond your usual followers. This feature is designed to help you increase the visibility and engagement of specific posts, such as status updates, photos, videos, or links, by putting them in front of more people.

Boosted posts defined

Boosted posts can enhance engagement and lead generation by leveraging two key elements: enhanced visibility and increased reach. Let’s explore how each of these aspects contributes to achieving these goals:

  1. Enhanced Visibility:
    • Capturing Attention: Boosted posts, due to their increased visibility, are more likely to capture the attention of Facebook users as they scroll through their feeds. When your content appears prominently, users are more likely to stop and engage with it.
    • Brand Exposure: Enhanced visibility ensures that your content is seen by a broader audience, including users who may not follow your page. This is crucial for brand exposure and getting your message in front of potential customers who might not have discovered your brand otherwise.
    • Content Highlight: By boosting posts, you can draw attention to specific content that you believe is highly valuable or relevant to your audience. This can be content designed to drive engagement, such as polls, contests, or interactive posts.
    • Storytelling: Enhanced visibility allows you to tell your brand’s story effectively. Whether it’s sharing success stories, customer testimonials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, boosted posts can engage users emotionally and foster a sense of connection.
  2. Increased Reach:
    • Broader Audience: Boosted posts expand your content’s reach beyond your existing followers. This means your message can reach users who may not be familiar with your brand but fall within your defined target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
    • Lead Generation: For lead generation campaigns, increased reach is crucial. The more people you can expose to your lead generation forms or landing pages, the higher the likelihood of capturing leads. A larger audience means more potential leads.
    • Engagement Potential: A larger reach often translates to increased engagement opportunities. More people liking, sharing, and commenting on your boosted post can create a viral effect, further increasing your reach and brand exposure.
    • Remarketing Possibilities: When you boost posts to a wider audience, you can later use retargeting strategies to reach those who engaged with your content. This is valuable for nurturing leads who have already shown interest in your brand.

Boosted posts vs. organic posts

Boosted posts and organic posts on Facebook differ primarily in terms of their reach and visibility, as well as the strategy behind them:

  1. Reach and Visibility:
    • Organic Posts: Organic posts are the regular, unpaid posts that you create and share on your Facebook Page. They are shown to your existing followers and may appear on their News Feeds if the Facebook algorithm determines that the content is relevant to them. The reach of organic posts is limited to your Page’s followers and depends on factors like engagement and the algorithm’s assessment of the post’s quality.
    • Boosted Posts: Boosted posts are organic posts that you pay to promote to a larger and more targeted audience. By boosting a post, you can expand its reach beyond your existing followers and have it displayed to users who may not follow your Page but match the demographics and interests you specify. Boosted posts are labeled as “Sponsored” and are identified as paid content.
  2. Audience Targeting:
    • Organic Posts: The reach of organic posts is largely determined by the algorithm and the engagement of your existing followers. You have limited control over who sees your organic posts beyond your Page’s followers.
    • Boosted Posts: When you boost a post, you have greater control over who sees it. You can define your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This allows you to reach a more specific and relevant group of users.
  3. Purpose and Strategy:
    • Organic Posts: Organic posts are typically used for sharing updates, engaging with existing followers, and maintaining an active online presence. They are valuable for building and nurturing relationships with your current audience.
    • Boosted Posts: Boosted posts are strategically used for specific marketing goals, such as increasing brand visibility, promoting products or services, driving website traffic, or generating leads. They are a form of paid advertising intended to achieve specific objectives.
  4. Cost:
    • Organic Posts: Posting organically is free. You don’t pay to share content with your existing followers.
    • Boosted Posts: Boosting a post incurs a cost based on your budget and the duration of the boost. You pay to extend the reach of the post to a broader audience.
  5. Measurement and Insights:
    • Organic Posts: Insights for organic posts provide data on engagement, likes, comments, shares, and other interactions. You can assess the performance of your posts but with limited reach outside your existing audience.
    • Boosted Posts: Insights for boosted posts provide more extensive data, including detailed information about the reach, engagement, and click-through rates among the paid audience. This data helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your paid promotion.

In summary, the primary difference between boosted posts and organic posts on Facebook is that boosted posts are paid promotions of your organic content with the goal of expanding reach and achieving specific marketing objectives. Organic posts are unpaid and are primarily seen by your existing followers. Both have their place in a Facebook marketing strategy, with organic posts serving as a foundation for audience engagement, and boosted posts used strategically to reach a wider and more targeted audience.

Advantages and limitations of boosted posts

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Use:
    • Advantage: One of the primary benefits of boosted posts is their simplicity and user-friendliness. Boosting a post is straightforward and doesn’t require advanced advertising skills. You can create and launch a boosted post in just a few clicks, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.
    • Explanation: Boosted posts are designed for users who want to quickly promote their content without delving into the complexities of Facebook Ads Manager. This simplicity is especially advantageous for small businesses or individuals who may not have dedicated marketing teams.
  2. Limitations of Boosted Posts:
    • Limitation: Boosted posts offer limited customization compared to full-fledged Facebook Ads. You have fewer options when it comes to ad format, placement, and targeting compared to what Facebook Ads Manager provides.
    • Explanation: Boosted posts are best suited for straightforward promotion to a broad audience. If you have specific campaign objectives or require advanced targeting options, such as using custom audiences or lookalike audiences, you may find boosted posts too restrictive. Facebook Ads Manager offers more control over campaign customization.
  3. Lack of Detailed Analytics:
    • Limitation: Boosted posts provide basic engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and the number of people reached. However, they lack the in-depth analytics available through Facebook Ads Manager, including conversion tracking and detailed audience insights.
    • Explanation: While boosted posts offer some performance data, the absence of detailed analytics can make it challenging to assess the full impact of your advertising efforts. For businesses seeking precise data on ad performance and conversion tracking, using Facebook Ads Manager may be a more suitable option.

Boosted posts are advantageous for their simplicity and accessibility, making them a quick and easy way to promote content. However, they have limitations in terms of customization and in-depth analytics, making them less suitable for advanced marketing campaigns. Choosing between boosted posts and traditional Facebook Ads depends on your specific campaign goals and the level of control and insights you require.

Lead Generation Comparison

From a lead generation perspective, there are notable differences between Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts. Here are more detailed explanations of the lead generation comparison between Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts in terms of reach and visibility, conversion and engagement, cost-effectiveness, and analytics and tracking:

  1. Reach and Visibility:
    • Facebook Ads (Advantage: Extensive targeting capabilities): Facebook Ads offer extensive targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach highly specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. This extensive targeting capability ensures that your ads are shown to the most relevant users, increasing the likelihood of lead generation. You can also utilize features like lookalike audiences to expand your reach to users similar to your existing customers.
    • Boosted Posts (Limitation: Limited targeting options): Boosted Posts have more limited targeting options compared to Facebook Ads. While you can specify demographics and interests, the level of granularity is reduced. Boosted Posts are designed for simplicity, making them suitable for reaching a broad audience but less effective for precise audience segmentation.
  2. Conversion and Engagement:
    • Facebook Ads (Advantage: Customizable landing pages and lead forms): Facebook Ads provide the flexibility to create customized landing pages and lead generation forms. This allows you to design a seamless user journey from ad click to lead capture. You can optimize the landing page for conversions, A/B test different elements, and track user interactions with precision.
    • Boosted Posts (Advantage: Simplified engagement with existing audience): Boosted Posts excel at simplifying engagement with your existing audience. They are valuable for encouraging engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, among your current followers. While they can generate leads from your existing audience, their simplicity may not provide as tailored a conversion path as Facebook Ads.
  3. Cost-effectiveness:
    • Facebook Ads (Advantage: Precise budget allocation and bidding strategies): Facebook Ads allow advertisers to allocate their budget precisely and choose from various bidding strategies, such as CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille). This flexibility enables efficient spending and the ability to optimize campaigns for lead generation.
    • Boosted Posts (Advantage: Lower cost, but potentially less targeted reach): Boosted Posts often have a lower cost compared to Facebook Ads. However, this cost advantage may come at the expense of targeting precision. While they can be cost-effective for reaching your existing audience, they may not deliver the same level of efficiency as Facebook Ads in reaching new leads.
  4. Analytics and Tracking:
    • Facebook Ads (Advantage: Comprehensive reporting and conversion tracking): Facebook Ads provide advertisers with comprehensive reporting and conversion tracking capabilities. You can track the entire customer journey, from ad engagement to lead generation and beyond. This data-rich environment allows for in-depth analysis and optimization of campaigns.
    • Boosted Posts (Limitation: Basic engagement metrics): Boosted Posts offer basic engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and the number of people reached. While these metrics provide insights into the engagement with your content, they lack the comprehensive conversion tracking and audience insights available through Facebook Ads.

In conclusion, the choice between Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts for lead generation depends on your specific campaign goals and resources. Facebook Ads offer more advanced targeting, customization, and tracking capabilities, making them ideal for precision lead generation campaigns. On the other hand, Boosted Posts are simpler and cost-effective for engaging your existing audience but may not provide the same level of targeting and tracking for acquiring new leads.

Best Practices and Recommendations

Identifying campaign objectives

  1. Brand Awareness:
    • For brand awareness campaigns, use both Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts to create a consistent and engaging brand narrative. Highlight your brand’s unique selling points and values in a visually appealing way.
    • Consider using Facebook Ads to reach a broader audience with a compelling video or image ad that tells your brand’s story. Use Boosted Posts to reinforce these messages among your existing followers and encourage them to share your content.
  2. Lead Generation:
    • Use Facebook Ads with conversion optimization objectives to drive traffic to dedicated landing pages where users can submit their contact information. Ensure your lead forms are concise and offer value to users.
    • Leverage Boosted Posts to promote lead magnets like ebooks, webinars, or downloadable resources to your existing audience. This helps nurture leads from your current followers.
  3. Conversion Optimization:
    • Facebook Ads are ideal for conversion optimization campaigns. Create targeted ads that drive users to take specific actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.
    • For Boosted Posts, consider boosting content related to successful conversions to reinforce trust and credibility among your audience.

Leveraging Facebook Ads

  1. Conducting Thorough Audience Research:
    • Use Facebook’s Audience Insights and other analytics tools to understand your target audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. Create highly specific audience segments to maximize ad relevance.
    • Continuously refine your audience targeting based on performance data. Experiment with different audience segments to discover which ones yield the best results for your campaign objectives.
  2. A/B Testing Creatives and Ad Formats:
    • Run A/B tests with different ad creatives, headlines, and ad formats to identify what resonates most with your audience. Test variables such as video vs. image ads, carousel ads vs. single image ads, and ad copy variations.
    • Analyze the results of A/B tests and allocate budget to the highest-performing creatives and formats to optimize your ad spend.
  3. Regular Performance Monitoring and Optimization:
    • Monitor your Facebook Ads campaigns daily or weekly to identify trends and anomalies in performance metrics. Adjust your bids, budgets, and targeting parameters as needed to improve ROI.
    • Utilize the Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking and retargeting. Create custom audiences based on user interactions with your website to deliver more relevant ads.

Harnessing Boosted Posts effectively

  1. Choosing the Right Organic Content to Boost:
    • Select organic posts that have already demonstrated engagement and relevance to your audience. Boosting well-received content can lead to even higher engagement and conversions.
    • Ensure that the content aligns with your campaign goals. For lead generation, boost posts that contain valuable information or incentives for users to take action.
  2. Defining Clear Targeting Parameters:
    • Although Boosted Posts have limited targeting options, define your audience as precisely as possible within those limitations. Focus on demographics and interests that are most relevant to your campaign.
    • Experiment with different audience segments and measure performance to identify which targeting parameters are most effective for your objectives.
  3. Monitoring Boosted Post Performance:
    • Regularly check the performance of your boosted posts in the Facebook Ads Manager. Pay attention to engagement metrics, reach, and click-through rates.
    • Adjust your boost duration and budget based on performance. If a post is performing exceptionally well, consider extending the boost to maximize its impact.

Combining Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts

  1. Amplifying Successful Facebook Ads Through Boosted Posts:
    • After identifying high-performing Facebook Ads, consider using Boosted Posts to extend their reach to your existing audience. This reinforces the message and encourages further engagement.
    • Be strategic in choosing which ads to boost. Focus on those that align with your long-term brand or conversion goals.
  2. Utilizing Boosted Posts for Engagement and Remarketing:
    • Boosted Posts can be valuable for engagement and remarketing. Promote content that encourages interaction, such as polls, contests, or user-generated content, to keep your audience engaged.
    • Use Boosted Posts to retarget users who have interacted with your website or other ads. This helps nurture leads and encourages them to take the desired action.

Both Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts offer unique advantages for businesses aiming to generate leads on the platform. While Facebook Ads provide comprehensive customization and targeting options, boosted posts offer a simpler approach with lower costs. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on campaign objectives, budget considerations, and the level of targeting precision desired. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool, businesses can craft effective lead generation strategies and unlock the full potential of Facebook as a marketing powerhouse.

Feel free to view our Facebook Ads Case Study here.

Discover how our Facebook Ads agency Perth can take your business to the next level. Book a free 30 min discovery session now.

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Digital Marketing for Businesses: How It Increases Return-on-Ad-Spend

Digital Marketing for Businesses: How It Increases Return-on-Ad-Spend

Written by Les Seow May 2023

While there are almost 2 billion websites on the internet, less than 200 million of them are active. If you want to have any chance against this competition, you’ll have to think about your digital marketing strategy. To enhance your business’s digital marketing, incorporating online Ads (i.e., Google Ads or Facebook Ads) is one of the most effective strategies.

You can make this easier by increasing your return-on-Ad spend.  But how can you do this? What steps can you take to boost your profits after running Ads?

return of ad spend formula

Continue reading and discover ways to enhance your Google Ads and Facebook Ads, along with your lead generation efforts.

Reduce the Cost of your Ads

Ad pricing can vary depending on the type of Ad you’re paying for. Some might cost a few cents every time the Ad shows up or gets clicked on. More advanced Ads may cost several dollars or more.

If you’re trying to run a digital marketing campaign, you don’t want to drain your wallet into Ads. It’s crucial to ensure that your advertisements generate a favorable return. Otherwise, they’ll act as a black hole for your finances.

This is why you need to keep track of your digital marketing spend. It’s important to carefully monitor the amount of money being spent on Ads. You can then use that number to determine your measure of success.


Key metrics in measuring digital marketing ad spend infographic


If you spend a lot of money on Ads and get very little in return, this is a problem. The issue might be related to the type of Ads you are utilizing. Or it’s possible that there’s an issue with your digital marketing campaign.

How It Works

Identify the underlying issue and determine why your Ads are not performing as expected. Once you do that, you can choose better Ads. To optimize your budget, it’s recommended to reduce spending on advertisements.

Spending less is always ideal. This is because there is a better chance that you will generate a better return compared to what you spent on your Ads. This is the goal when paying for Ads.

Once you get a larger return, you can use that money to invest back in more Ad spend. By keeping this cycle going, you’ll be able to rapidly enhance your business. Browse around until you find Ads that fit your budget and are efficient at the same time.

Improve the Conversions Your Ads Generate

Ads are all about conversions. The meaning of “conversion” varies depending on the type of Ad you’re running. An Ad conversion might be something as simple as someone clicking on the Ad and going to your website.


4 common types of conversions in digital marketing


A conversion might include someone interacting with the Ad in another way. When someone clicks on your Ad and lands on your website, it’s always a positive outcome. You want as many of these conversions as possible.

This is because these conversions will bring more business to your site. When people arrive at your site, there is a chance that they will like what they see. They may browse your products or services and decide that they are in the market for those things.

Once they buy something from you, this is the start of something very significant.

Attracting More Customers

If one person is interested in your products, there is a good chance that many other people will be too. This will lead to a steady stream of income from new customers.

Some of them may become repeat customers and give you even more business. This could make your business a serious success. It all begins with a few straightforward Ad conversions.

To improve your return-on-Ad spend, focus on enhancing your conversions. Enhancing the appeal of your advertisements can help accomplish this. The more eye-catching your Ads appear, the more appealing they will be to potential customers.

5 hacks to enhance the appeal of your Digital Ads to Prospects

But if your Ads are bland and uninformative, you might have a hard time making conversions. It’s possible that you may need to experiment with different approaches before finding the ideal formula for your advertisements. You can then narrow down your options and see which Ads work best.

This should help you improve your conversions and your return-on-Ad spend.

Take a Closer Look at the Data

The data that your Ads generate can be very helpful for improving your return-on-Ad spend. Consider how this data changes over time. How many impressions do your Ads get?

How many conversions do they get? Do certain types of Ads do better than others? Suppose your Google Ads do much better than your Facebook Ads. It would make sense to stop advertising on Facebook and put more of your energy into Google Ads.

This would allow you to focus your funds and energy in one place. By doing this, you can increase the potential success of your Ads. This is an easy way to make more money with your Ads.

This allows you to easily break even on what you paid for the Ads with what you earned. You can then put the extra money back into more Ads and expand your success.

How to Improve Your Return-on-Ad Spend

If you improve your return-on-Ad spend, it will make it much easier and affordable for you to keep advertising. Start by investing in more affordable Ads and examining Ad data.

Improve the conversions your Ads generate as well. All this will attract more high quality traffic, more sales and more money. Are you prepared to begin your digital marketing journey for your business?

Discover how our profitable Google and Facebook Ads services can take your business to the next level. Book a free 30 min discovery session now.

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Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads

Updated By Les. Nov 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Google Ads remains an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a burgeoning startup or a well-established enterprise, Google Ads offers a versatile platform for generating leads and enhancing brand awareness. In this article, we’ll delve into the existing reasons for embracing Google Ads, while introducing three new compelling factors that make it a must-have for businesses in today’s competitive market.

Existing Reasons to Embrace Google Ads

Before we explore the new reasons, let’s recap why Google Ads has already been a game-changer for businesses:

1. Search intent dominance

When it comes to search intent, Google Search out ranks all other search engines like Bing, Yahoo or Baidu. In 2021, Google Search has taken almost 90% of the of the search engine market while Bing has 2.48%, Yahoo has 1.5% and Baidu 0.29% (source

The annual global growth of Google Search is now 8.2% ( This translates to roughly 40,000 search queries per second (

According to further research statistics: –

  • 80% of all companies focus on Google Ads for PPC (WebFX, 2020)
  • Online ads can increase brand awareness by up to 80% (WebFX, 2019)
  • Two in five small-to-midsize businesses are running a PPC campaign (WebFX, 2019)
  • More than 7,000,000 advertisers use Google Ads PPC (KlientBoost, 2019)
  • Google Ads is currently the biggest provider of search advertising on the market (Statista, 2020)

Everyday more and more people are using Google Search to research products and services.

Paid search, exemplified by Google Ads, offers a distinct advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. This advantage is attributed to its efficient mechanism of bidding on specific keywords, enabling your business to secure prime real estate at the top of search results pages. In stark contrast, the realm of organic search demands an investment of time, patience, and relentless effort before you can witness the fruits of your labor. With paid search, your business can promptly and precisely target its audience, making it an ideal choice for those seeking swift and targeted results. In the case of organic search, the path to success involves cultivating your online presence through a marathon of strategies and optimizations, but the long-term rewards are often well worth the wait.

In a nutshell, Google Search’s unrivaled dominance in the search engine market, with a staggering 90% share, ensures that your ads reach an audience with genuine search intent. With millions of searches conducted daily, Google Ads provides a golden opportunity to tap into a vast user base.

Search engine global stats

2. Effective cost control

When comparing the advertising landscape, Google Ads shines as a beacon of cost-effectiveness in stark contrast to traditional marketing channels like print ads, radio, or TV. The fundamental disparity lies in the precision of audience targeting and budget management. Traditional methods cast a wide net, reaching a broad spectrum of individuals, regardless of their affinity for your product or service. The costs associated with such broad-reaching campaigns can be exorbitant, while the return on investment (ROI) often remains disappointingly elusive. This financial burden is particularly challenging for small businesses that typically lack the substantial resources required for conventional marketing endeavors.

In the realm of Google Ads, the narrative takes a different, more cost-effective turn. Here, you wield the power to define a monthly budget that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives, without fear of overreaching financial constraints. Your ads are not merely flung into the digital ether; they are carefully tailored to reach a receptive audience, ensuring that every advertising dollar is an investment, not an expense. Moreover, Google Ads allows for daily budget adjustments, which means you can allocate more resources to days that promise higher conversion opportunities. The result is a flexible advertising strategy that adapts to real-time market fluctuations. An ingenious approach is the creation of a shared budget that can be seamlessly distributed across relevant campaigns. This approach streamlines the budget management process, necessitating changes in just one location, ensuring consistency across campaigns sharing the same budget and maintaining overall monthly spending within an impressive +/- 5% margin.

Google Ads keyword-based targeting strategy is excellent for targeting customers with specific interests. This strategy also ensures the budget is spent on relevant searches and shown to those who are specifically in the market to acquire your product or service.

Google Ads Shared Budgets snapshot

If you are concerned of going over budget, Google Ads allows you to set a spend limit. This way you will never go over budget.

Google Ads Spend limit snapshot

3. Keyword-based targeting

Google Ads’ keyword-based targeting lets you reach potential customers precisely when they’re searching for your products or services. This precision ensures that your budget is spent on highly relevant searches, maximizing your chances of conversion.

Unlocking the power of keyword-based targeting on Google Search stands as one of the most accessible and effective means to connect with potential customers. This strategy revolves around the art of selecting precise keywords that encapsulate the essence of your product or service, thereby directing your message to the right audience. Let’s illustrate this with an everyday scenario: imagine you find yourself in Perth, urgently needing a tow truck service to transport your vehicle from one location to another. In this moment, you instinctively turn to the trusty Google Search and input the search term ‘tow truck Perth.’ The magic unfolds as Google’s search algorithms diligently get to work, fetching results that align perfectly with your search criteria. The search results prominently feature Google Ads, which are thoughtfully tailored to match your immediate need by showcasing ads from relevant service providers.

Google Ads’ keyword-based targeting strategy is, without a doubt, a formidable asset in your marketing arsenal. This approach not only aids in precision targeting but also ensures that your advertising budget is allocated judiciously, exclusively to searches that harbor genuine intent to acquire your specific product or service. It’s the digital equivalent of catching the attention of a prospect at the precise moment when they’re poised to make a purchase decision. With keyword-based targeting, your marketing strategy evolves into an efficient, laser-focused force that engages potential customers with a heightened sense of relevancy and purpose.

This approach not only aids in precision targeting but also ensures that your advertising budget is allocated judiciously, exclusively to searches that harbor genuine intent to acquire your specific product or service. It’s the digital equivalent of catching the attention of a prospect at the precise moment when they’re poised to make a purchase decision. With keyword-based targeting, your marketing strategy evolves into an efficient, laser-focused force that engages potential customers with a heightened sense of relevancy and purpose.

google search tow truck snapshot

4. Geo-location targeting

Geo-location targeting is often overlooked but can be a game-changer. It allows you to reach customers based on their physical location, targeting your audience with greater precision and optimizing your campaign budget.

In Google ads, this can be either set by country or state or city. Google Ads also provides the option of using a radius setting around a certain area such as shown below.

google ads location setting snapshot

Geo-location targeting is a strategic powerhouse with a trio of paramount objectives: propelling foot traffic, amplifying sales, and heightening the quality of customer service by delivering meticulously relevant search results to individuals in a precise location. This dynamic approach enables digital marketers to orchestrate their advertising symphony with the precision of a maestro, ensuring that their audience is served with ads perfectly harmonized to their geographical context.

Beyond the salient objectives, there’s an invaluable dividend to geo-location targeting – the optimized allocation of your campaign budget. With this strategy in place, your advertising expenditure is concentrated like a laser beam on the most coveted customer segments residing within your specific target location. The beauty of this precision lies in its ability to spare your budget from unnecessary squandering on prospects who fall outside your target audience. By avoiding ad spend wastage, geo-location targeting affords your campaigns the fiscal discipline they need to yield remarkable ROI and conversion rates. It’s the fine art of smart budget management, making every dollar you invest in advertising a calculated step towards success.

5. Ad copy control

With complete control over ad copy, you can craft compelling headlines, descriptions, and keywords to capture your audience’s attention. A well-optimized ad with clear benefits can significantly enhance your click-through rate and conversions.

Google Ads empowers advertisers with a formidable arsenal for crafting compelling ad copy that is bound to captivate their audience. It’s not just about putting words on a digital canvas; it’s about creating a symphony of persuasion. In this virtuoso performance, headlines take center stage – concise, impactful, and highly descriptive. Their mission is to kindle the sparks of curiosity and ignite interest in your product or service. Each word in the headline must count, inviting users to explore further.

Complementing the headline’s tantalizing introduction is the description – a canvas where the benefits for your customers unfurl in crystal clarity. This is your chance to communicate precisely what awaits those who click on your ad. Every detail is meticulously honed to serve as a beacon of information, guiding potential customers through their journey. Moreover, it’s not just about words; it’s about keywords. Keywords used in both the headlines and descriptions should be meticulously chosen to establish an unwavering connection with individuals actively seeking products or services akin to what you offer. This strategic alignment ensures that your ad appears like a shining beacon, directing users to your virtual doorstep. Every element, from the description down to the URL, plays a pivotal role in your ad’s performance, demanding perfection.

This extraordinary degree of control is indispensable to advertisers seeking to fine-tune their campaigns for optimal ranking results. It’s the meticulous craftsmanship of each ad component that dictates its resonance with the audience, ensuring that every ad dollar spent serves as a catalyst for driving conversions and success.

google ads responsive search ad snapshot

6. Landing page metrics

Landing pages are the webpages visitors land on after clicking on a link from a search engine like Google Search. Websites and single standalone webpages are considered landing pages. A website is just a more detailed elaborate landing page with navigation menus serving up different webpages for the website. If visitors can’t find what they are looking for or if they don’t like what they see, many will bounce off the landing page and never return to the site. Integrating Google Analytics with your Google Ads campaigns offers a wealth of data to analyze landing page performance. Metrics like bounce rate, session duration, and percentage of new sessions help fine-tune your landing pages for better results.

Google Analytics is the most commonly used website analysis tool for understanding website visitor behavior. It provides comprehensive insights about visitors, goals and conversions. Through Google Analytics, advertisers can measure how long visitors stay on their landing pages and analyse the bounce rate (i.e. it is the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave (“bounce”) without doing anything).

By linking Google Analytics to Google Ads, advertisers can track traffic from paid ads. Advertisers can then figure out which landing pages are most effective with which audiences respond to positively by submitted leads and can optimize accordingly.

Google Analytics link to Google Ads snapshot

Linking your Google Analytics to your Google Ads campaigns unlocks a treasure trove of invaluable data insights that can significantly bolster your campaign’s performance. Among these insights, three key metrics take the spotlight: landing page bounce rate, percentage of new sessions, and average session duration.

The landing page bounce rate acts as a litmus test for the landing page’s efficacy. A high bounce rate or a brief average session duration can be telling indicators that the page may not be optimally tailored for the specific audience segment it’s meant to engage. These metrics provide a compelling narrative, revealing whether visitors are finding what they seek or quickly losing interest. On the flip side, a low bounce rate and a lengthy average session duration signal an optimized landing page that seamlessly resonates with the target audience, holding their attention and guiding them deeper into the user journey.

The percentage of new sessions is a vital gauge of fresh visitor influx. It illustrates the proportion of new visitors arriving at the landing page. This metric provides valuable insights into the landing page’s ability to attract and engage a constantly evolving audience, potentially opening the doors to expanding your customer base. In essence, these Google Analytics metrics, when harnessed effectively, unveil the narrative of user engagement, guiding you to optimize your landing page for superior campaign performance.

Google Analytics data in Google Ads snapshot

7. Monitor and optimise

Google Ads provides a range of metrics to track and analyze campaign performance, including clicks, click-through rates, impressions, costs, and conversions. Regular monitoring allows you to optimize your campaigns to achieve the best results.

Google Ads offers a plethora of different metrics to analyze. Apart from bounce rates, average session duration and percentage of new sessions, advertisers should analyse these metrics as well:

  • Clicks (Sum of clicks on the ad.)
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR) (Measures how often people click your ad after it’s shown to them, which can help you understand the effectiveness of your ad.)
  • Impressions (An impression is counted each time your ad is shown, which tells you how often your ad is shown. The aim is for high impressions.)
  • Cost (Cost is the sum of campaign spend during the reporting period.)
  • Average Cost (Average cost is the average amount that an advertiser paid per interaction.)
  • Average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) (Average cost-per-click is the amount that was paid for the ad divided by its total clicks, this tells how much is being paid on each click. The aim is to maximise impressions and clicks with the lowest CPCs.)
  • Conversions (Shows the number of conversions or lead submissions received after ad interactions.)
  • Cost per conversion (Shows the average cost of a conversion i.e. cost divided by conversions.)

Google Ads campaign statistics snapshot

New Reasons to Choose Google Ads

Now, let’s introduce three new compelling reasons why Google Ads is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes:

8. Dynamic Ad Extensions

Google Ads introduces a groundbreaking feature that’s set to transform your advertising strategy: dynamic ad extensions. These innovative extensions have the ability to automatically showcase supplementary information, meticulously fine-tuned according to the user’s behavior and intent. This dynamic approach doesn’t just enhance the relevance of your ads; it’s a strategic marvel that creates a more engaging and captivating ad experience for your audience, while concurrently catapulting your ad’s visibility to new heights.

This groundbreaking feature heralds a seismic shift in the way your ads interact with users. No longer static, they adapt and evolve based on the individual’s online journey. For instance, if a user is exploring a range of products on your e-commerce site, dynamic ad extensions may spotlight your best-selling items, special promotions, or even highlight product reviews to bolster their purchasing decision. It’s a personalized touch that resonates with users, making them feel like your brand understands their unique needs. This level of interaction can significantly boost user engagement, making your ad not just a message but a valuable resource tailored to each user. The result? More compelling ads, happier users, and an ad campaign that truly stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

9. AI-Powered Targeting

Embrace the full potential of Google’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence to supercharge your targeting strategies. With the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, Google Ads emerges as the ultimate ally. It empowers you with the capability to delve deep into user data and behavior, unearthing insights that go beyond the surface level. This profound analysis furnishes you with a treasure trove of audience segments, meticulously crafted to home in on individuals who are not just interested but highly likely to convert. This transformative approach not only injects a new level of efficiency into your campaigns but also ushers in a profound era of cost-effectiveness.

The dynamic synergy between Google’s AI and your advertising strategy manifests in the form of hyper-personalized campaigns. It’s akin to having a virtual assistant that can decode the intricate web of user preferences and behaviors, deciphering patterns that might have eluded human observation. Armed with this in-depth knowledge, you can fine-tune your targeting strategies to create laser-focused ads that resonate with users on a profound level. This kind of precision doesn’t just save ad spend; it ensures that every dollar invested yields a remarkable ROI. With Google Ads and its AI-powered insights, you’re not merely advertising; you’re forging meaningful connections with your audience, delivering exactly what they seek, and achieving a level of efficiency that redefines the digital advertising game.

10. Enhanced Local Services Ads

Google Ads extends a vital lifeline to brick-and-mortar businesses with its groundbreaking feature: enhanced local services ads. This innovation has the power to seamlessly bridge the gap between you and local customers, facilitating swift and effortless connections. In a digital realm teeming with options, these ads serve as beacons of accessibility and information, providing crucial details that guide potential customers to your doorstep with ease. From pivotal information like business hours and service areas to the invaluable insights encapsulated in customer reviews, these ads constitute a comprehensive resource that simplifies the decision-making process for your audience, increasing the likelihood of them choosing your services over the competition.

In an era where convenience reigns supreme, enhanced local services ads set you on the path to be the first choice for local customers. With a quick glance, they can discern your operating hours, grasp the scope of your service area, and gain confidence through authentic customer feedback. This level of transparency and accessibility isn’t just an enhancement; it’s a beacon of trust and convenience that significantly boosts your local appeal. In essence, these ads become the digital handshake, the welcoming sign, and the treasure trove of information that guides local customers to your business, ensuring they choose you with confidence.


In conclusion, Google Ads remains an indispensable asset for businesses, offering a multitude of benefits that extend beyond traditional advertising methods. With search intent focus, cost control, precise targeting, ad copy control, landing page optimization, and continuous monitoring, Google Ads is already a powerful tool. The introduction of dynamic ad extensions, AI-powered targeting, and enhanced local services ads further solidify its position as a must-have for businesses of all sizes. Embrace Google Ads and propel your business towards greater success in the digital landscape.

If you are looking to understand the components of a digital marketing strategy, feel free to read this blog.

We also have a Google Ads case study which you can view first hand how effective Google Ads is in lead generation.

Discover how out Google Adwords Perth agency can help boost your business lead generation. Book a free 30 min discovery session now.

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Elevate Your Real Estate Agency’s Social Media Game: 14 Proven Strategies

Elevate Your Real Estate Agency’s Social Media Game: 14 Proven Strategies

In today’s digital-first world, a vibrant real estate social media marketing presence is indispensable for real estate agencies aiming to capture the attention of potential clients. According to research, 63% of real estate agents use social media to promote their listings. With a plethora of platforms at your fingertips, the opportunity to showcase your listings and expertise has never been greater. But the question remains: How can you create content that stands out and genuinely engages your audience? After collaborating with a local real estate agency to overhaul their social media strategy, we’ve unlocked the secrets to creating compelling, engaging content.

The Secret Ingredient: Engagement

Engagement is the cornerstone of social media for real estate success. It transforms passive viewers into active participants, fostering a community around your brand. Engaged followers are more likely to become your advocates, spreading the word about your services far and wide.

real estate social media marketing

Your Blueprint for Social Media Mastery

Below, we dive into 14 strategies to supercharge your real estate agency social media presence, complete with top hints to maximize their impact:

  1. Virtual Showcases
    • Strategy: Utilize both still images and interactive 360-degree videos to offer virtual tours of your properties.
    • Top Hints: Use high-quality, professional photography and ensure your tours highlight unique features of each property. Consider adding soft background music to enhance the virtual tour experience.
  2. Insider Advice
    • Strategy: Share valuable tips on preparing homes for sale or what to look out for during appraisals.
    • Top Hints: Create easy-to-follow checklists or infographics that summarize your advice, making it shareable and easy to digest.
  3. Behind the Scenes
    • Strategy: Give followers a peek into your agency’s culture with photos and stories featuring your team.
    • Top Hints: Celebrate milestones, birthdays, or community service days to humanize your brand and build a connection with your audience.
  4. Engage with Questions
    • Strategy: Foster dialogue by asking followers their opinions on market trends or design choices.
    • Top Hints: Use polls and question stickers on Instagram Stories to encourage interaction and gather insights on your audience’s preferences.
  5. Educational Events
    • Strategy: Offer webinars or workshops on key real estate topics.
    • Top Hints: Partner with mortgage lenders or home inspectors to provide comprehensive sessions and promote these events across your social platforms for broader reach.
  6. Interactive Competitions
    • Strategy: Host contests that encourage followers to engage creatively with your brand.
    • Top Hints: Offer prizes relevant to your services, like a free consultation or home staging, and ask participants to tag friends to extend your reach.
  7. Sneak Peeks
    • Strategy: Build anticipation with previews of upcoming listings.
    • Top Hints: Use captivating captions and encourage followers to guess the listing price or features, rewarding correct guesses with small prizes or shoutouts.
  8. Celebrate Success
    • Strategy: Highlight your team’s achievements and industry awards.
    • Top Hints: Share personal stories behind the achievements to inspire trust and confidence in your agency’s expertise.
  9. Exclusive Offers
    • Strategy: Attract potential clients with special promotions, like free appraisals.
    • Top Hints: Limit offers to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, prompting quicker engagement.
  10. Solve Pain Points
    • Strategy: Address common issues faced by buyers and sellers, providing clear solutions.
    • Top Hints: Use real client questions as inspiration for your content, and present your answers in a relatable, easy-to-understand manner.
  11. First-Time Buyer Focus
    • Strategy: Create content specifically aimed at guiding first-time homebuyers through the buying process.
    • Top Hints: Develop a series of posts that walk through each step of the home buying process, from mortgage pre-approval to closing day.
  12. Success Stories
    • Strategy: Share testimonials and stories of happy clients.
    • Top Hints: Include before-and-after images of sold properties or video testimonials to add authenticity and emotional appeal.
  13. Lifestyle Content
    • Strategy: Highlight the lifestyle and community around your listings.
    • Top Hints: Share local events, favorite spots, and features that make the community special, linking these back to how they enhance living in the properties you’re selling.
  14. Community Engagement
    • Strategy: Demonstrate your investment in the local community through posts about local news, events, and initiatives.
    • Top Hints: Engage in local online groups and forums to increase visibility and show your support for local businesses and causes.

Incorporating these content ideas into your social media strategy can transform your online presence, engage your audience, and ultimately, grow your real estate business. Remember, the key to social media success lies in creating connections. So, we encourage you to not only like and share but also to interact meaningfully with your followers. Start implementing these tips today, and watch your social media community thrive.

Additionally there is also the option to further promote your social media content with paid Ads on platforms like Facebook. This could either be Facebook Ads to Boosted Posts. Check out our detailed post on paid Ads on Facebook.

This article was also published on Linkedin.

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Google Ads Case Study: How To Boost Sales Leads

Google Ads Case Study: How To Boost Sales Leads

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Updated By Les. Jan 2022

This Google Ads case study demonstrates how Google Ads was used to effectively boost sales leads across a 2 month period while achieving lower costs to maximise return on ad spend.

The success of the campaigns was as a result of sticking to a proven routine of doing things the right way with very regular monitoring to identify improvement opportunities. Small, incremental changes can add up to significant improvements over time.

Read on this Google Ads case study to find out how we did it.

The Background

Our client, Kennedys Aust Pty Ltd, is a family business operating in Victoria Australia. Their core business service offerings are commercial plumbing and asbestos removal. They operate a number of strategically located branches in Victoria. The business has a comprehensive website with web forms and excellent relevant web content including case studies with rich videos.

The objective of this Google Ads project was to boost their sales leads at their Geelong branch and surrounding areas as soon as possible over a 2 month run window.

The Challenge Ahead

Restricted Budget Spend$25/day
Campaign TypeSearch Only
Duration2 months
Audience GeographyLocation restricted to 50 kms radius of Geelong, Victoria
Ads Campaign FocusCommercial plumbing and asbestos removal
ConversionAs many and as fast as possible
Target MarketHighly competitive narrow B2B commercial plumbing and asbestos verticals saturated with many small to medium sized businesses
Brand RecognitionZero brand recognition or brand awareness for commercial plumbing and asbestos in Geelong

The Results

After the first month run, the campaigns yielded 3 conversions. Refer to the snapshots from Google Ads below.

The second month campaign run yielded 7 conversions, more than double of that in the first month.

The snapshots above highlight the following key achievements in comparison to the previous period: –

  1. Clicks grew by 62%
  2. CTR improved by 50%
  3. Impression grew by 8%
  4. Conversions grew by 133%
  5. Conversion rate improved by 44%
  6. Average Cost decreased by 5%
  7. Search impression share decreased by 23% but still produced more conversions

The Solution

To meet the challenges and deliver the positive results, we implemented a number of creative and innovative techniques to maximizing Return On Ad Spend (ROAS):-

  1. All campaigns used manual bidding as this strategy offered the best method to control cost per click to fit in with the limited daily budget of $25. This technique also allowed us to get the best out of Google Ads. With manual bidding, we adjusted bids to minimize spend simultaneously maximizing impressions, clicks, conversions and lowering CPC.
  2. Ad group relevance and highly targeted Ad creatives that focused on commercial plumbing and asbestos removal were created. Each Ad creative included a Call-To-Action. Ads comprised of a combination of Expanded Text Search Ads and Responsive Search Ads.
  3. To further enhance Ad strength, Ad extensions were implemented including Sitelink, Structured Snippets, Call-Out, Location and Call extensions.
  4. Implemented landing page split testing using the existing company website and custom landing pages with web forms.
  5. Organised campaigns using different geographic implementation techniques including location restricted by postcodes, location restricted by radius and Melbourne wide with further restrictions in some campaigns using a combination of in-market and affinity audiences, and profitable keywords.
  6. Ads split testing with different creatives to keep the campaigns fresh to overcome any Ad fatigue.
  7. Extensive keyword research lead to a combination of broad, broad modified and phrase match relevant targeted keywords that were implemented across the campaigns.
  8. Set up conversion tracking for web form submissions, call from Ads, calls from extensions and calls from website.
  9. Implemented shared budget that spread the $25/day budget across all campaigns.
  10. Daily campaign monitoring and optimization to identify problems and opportunities for overall improvement.

Looking for really useful Google Ads tips, then download our 6 Top Google Ads Tips here.

You can also find more details about our Google Ads management service here.

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Case Study: Facebook Advertising

Case Study: Facebook Advertising

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Updated By Les. Jan 2022

Who is Freeflo?

Freeflo Plumbing and Gas was launched in 2017 with the intention of becoming the #1 plumbing and gas maintenance services provider in Perth West Australia. Freeflo’s client base consisted of both commercial and residential customers.

In late 2018, Freeflo engaged Valles Digital Marketing to undertake a major brand awareness campaign. The purpose of this campaign was to engage with as many potential customers as possible by demonstrating its capability, experience, expertise and value. Freeflo’s business website formed an integral part of the campaign. Freeflo understood who their customers were but the business was unclear on how to further raise their online presence:

  1. What messages would most resonate?
  2. Where best to advertise online?
  3. Which digital advertising platform is most suitable?

The Action

As Freeflo already had a Facebook business page, the business decided to use this platform as the base for their brand awareness campaign.

The campaign consisted of:

  1. Strengthening their Facebook business page including updating it with relevant company details, services, images and contact information.
  2. Creating and posting 16 value-add page posts with images over a 3 month period that demonstrated their technical capability, skill and experience:
      • On average there were 5 posts per month.
      • 30% of posts demonstrated actual completed work.
  3. Undertaking a 3 month Facebook advertising brand awareness campaign involving 15 Ads to further boost their presence on Facebook and generate website traffic. The Ads ran daily with targeted audiences. On average, there were 5 Ads running in any month including A/B Testing. The Ads were grouped under the following topics:
      • Emergency Plumbing
      • Local Plumber
      • Hot Water System Installation
      • Water Filter Installation

The Result

Before the campaign, Freeflo Facebook page had 119 followers.

After the campaign:

This Facebook advertising case study results highlight that if used strategically, Facebook is an excellent platform to grow brand awareness not only for page followers but more importantly potential customers. With the short 3 month campaign, we believe the key objectives of increasing Freeflo’s Facebook presence and website traffic were met. Freeflo experienced a 23% increase in contact requests from their website since the campaign ceased. Fast-forward to today, Freeflo’s Facebook page now has 529 followers and growing. That is a whopping 184% growth in page followers since the campaign ended.

We’ve been really pleased and grateful to have assisted Freeflo. This Facebook marketing case study highlighted that the extended market reach through a combination of Facebook Page posts and Ads have boosted Freeflo’s good name, capability, experience and skills in the market.

Note that a lot of businesses use social media data as business intelligence. You can read more about this in our blog titled Business Intelligence and Social Media.

If you’re looking for top Facebook tips, then download our Facebook Page Hacks here.

You can also find more details about our Facebook Ads management service here.

For the visually impaired, here is an audio version of this blog.

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Business Intelligence and Social Media Insights

Business Intelligence and Social Media Insights

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Updated By Les. Jan 2022

When Valles Digital Marketing was established way back in 2013, all we had was a very simple website built using Microsoft Sharepoint with very minimal content. We did not have any information about website usage statistics or social media insights on how the external world viewed our brand then. Fast-forward 6 years to 2019, our company website is now in its fourth version, much more advanced than our first.

Like every business owner including us, we need some form of business intelligence about our brand. Our websites play a key role in demonstrating our capability and allows us to engage with potential clients.

Reviewing website usage statistics does not necessarily provide all the answers. If your website is linked to Google Analytics, it can reveal a lot of information including bounce rate, site sessions, site pageviews, sources of traffic (i.e. country, city etc.), web browsers used, engagement channels (i.e. organic, social, direct or referral), search terms used that displayed impressions of the website and many more. The challenge with this kind of traffic information is that it does not necessarily enlighten a business about how its’ brand is perceived in the marketplace.

This is where social media insights can offer a different perspective. Every business should consider using social media to promote their brand, product or service. Requirements vary from business to business but social media is a very handy tool.

The 2018 Yellow Social Media Report from Sensis highlighted some interesting facts:

  1. 79% participation rate (8 in 10 people).
  2. 59% of people accessed social media every day or most days.
  3. 71% use social media in the evening while 57% use it first thing in the morning.
  4. Facebook has a 94% market share followed by Instagram (46%), Snapchat (40%), Twitter (32%), Linked (18%), and Pinterest (10%).
  5. 64% of customers will trust a brand if there is positive social media interaction with the brand.
  6. 47% small and medium businesses are on social media, 49% for medium businesses and 60% for large businesses.
  7. 79% of Australians are on social media.
  8. 26% of small business advertised on social media, 35% for medium businesses and 42% for large businesses.

The statistics above strongly suggest that using social media to promote your brand is a worthwhile effort. Furthermore, social media allows businesses to interact with potential customers to build trust and this will eventually lead to sales opportunities.

Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest offer social media analytics data. The analytics data draws a picture about how a brand is performing. Facebook calls it Insights, Twitter offers Analytics and Pinterest includes an Analytics feature.


To access Facebook Insights, navigate to your Facebook business page and click on Insights on the top menu. Insight offers a number of key metrics about a Facebook business page:

  1. Actions on Page – The number of clicks on the Page’s contact information and call-to-action button.
  2. Page Views – The number of times the Page’s profile was viewed by logged in and logged out people.
  3. Page Likes – How many people liked your page.
  4. Post Reach – How many people saw all the posted content.
  5. Post Engagements – How many people liked, shared, or commented on posts.
  6. Page Followers – How many people are following the page.

See the example below.

If your business posts regularly on Facebook, Insight also shares the performance of every post. Below is a snapshot from our Page.


To access Analytics on your Twitter business page, click Profile and Settings icon on the top menu next to the Tweet button. Below is an example of our Twitter Analytics page:

Over a 28-day period, we submitted 18 tweets that generated 2,503 impressions. Tweet impressions metric refers to the number of times a tweet shows up in somebody’s timeline. We also had 16 visits to our profile and secured 4 new followers in the period. We also got 2 mentions i.e. someone tweeted and included our username.


On Pinterest, navigate to your business page. Click Analytics on the top left of the menu bar on your Pinterest business hub page (see below example). For each of your Pins, we get:

  1. Impressions – The total number of times your Pins were shown.
  2. Engagements – The total number of engagements on your Pins. This includes saves, closeups, and link clicks.
  3. Closeups – The total number of times people viewed a close-up version of your Pin.
  4. Saves – The total number of times people saved your Pins to a board.
  5. Link clicks – The total number of times people have clicked through to your destination URL on your Pin from Pinterest.

Business Intelligence Process

As outlined above, these social media platforms do provide useful metrics for any business to analyse. Use these metrics to develop trends (trends, user interaction etc.). It allows a business to build a holistic picture of their brand and how the market perceives the brand.

At Valles Digital Marketing, we have an overall business intelligence process model (see below), which has social media analytics as a key component. Without relevant and accurate social media analytics data we are missing key relevant facts about our brand. We cannot make informed decision about the business and our brand.

Intelligence gathered has helped us to shape our social media marketing strategy and campaigns to target segments of the market where our potential customers are. Our social media content creation is now targeted and relevant to our target audience. We optimize our social media advertising for maximum impact in the pursuit of qualified leads.

We used the intelligence data to enhance our internal processes for efficiency. Feedback from customers and interactions with followers allowed us to modify our operations to focus on customer satisfaction and retention. We also modified our service offerings in line with customer and market expectations.

As a result of this process, we now have in place a simple customer relationship system (CRM). This CRM will allow us to reach our customers and followers through future email marketing and social media advertising including promotions.

The process model has allowed us to be competitive in the marketplace with social media playing a key role in understanding how our brand performs and is perceived. We repeat the process regularly to review and strategise with the aim of becoming the #1 digital marketing agency in our geographical region.

So if your business is not on social media, it is time to jump on the bandwagon. Use social media insights to supplement your brand development. If your business is already creating content and marketing on social media then take advantage of the social media insights data freely available in these platforms to build a picture of your brand and its’ affinity in the marketplace. Getting it right will ensure your social media content marketing gets in front of the right audience at the right time with the goal of securing qualified leads.

For the visually impaired, here is an audio version of this blog.

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